(English) “Separate but Equal”, the ideal doctrine for Monastics? Samita ASBL > Allgemein > (English) “Separate but Equal”, the ideal doctrine for Monastics? admin Monday 19 March 2018 Allgemein Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English et Deutsch. ← Article précédent Article suivant → 1 Commentaire Helen Hancke Monday 19 March 2018 à 16:27 Enjoyed reading this well written document, interesting thoughts and abviously still much work to be done to fully understand the Vinaya rules for Bhikkunis and Nuns. L'ajoût de commentaire est désormais suspendu.
Enjoyed reading this well written document, interesting thoughts and abviously still much work to be done to fully understand the Vinaya rules for Bhikkunis and Nuns.