Dear Dhamma Friends,
So now I have ordained as a Bhikkhunī. I can hardly believe it right now.
I thank it all to the many Bhikkhunīs, Bhikkhus and lay friends, who have supported me all these years and especially to my teacher, Bhante Sujato and my good friend and Samita’s President, Danny Buysse and all those who have donated towards this trip to Los Angeles, including the kind help from the Alliance for Bhikkhunis.
Some pictures:
There were 13 Bhikkhunīs and 14 Bhikkhus at the ceremony, amongst which well-known names like Ayya Tathāaloka and Amma Thānasantī as well as Ayya Dhira, with whom I was an Anagarika in Anenja Vihara in 2012.
My preceptor Ayya Gunasārī, together with Ven. Paliyagoda Sudarshana, performed the ceremony as my preceptors from the side of the Bhikkhunīs and Ven. Walpola Piyananda Nayaka Maha Thera and Ven. Udagama Sumangala Maha Thera from the side of the Bhikkhus.
I was very lucky to have two experienced Bhikkhunīs to support me during the ceremony, namely Ven. Ānandabodhī and Ven. Dhammadhīrā. I could always count on them to prompt me or hold my bowl when bowing so it would not fall off!

Ayyas Dhammadhira and Anandabodhi
I will now stay in the Mojave-desert here in Mahāpajāpatī monastery. The desert is actually very beautiful, especially at dawn and sunrise, and amazingly still. There are some tall hills bordering the monastery that I have as yet to climb.

Kutis at Mahapajapati Monastery
I hope to be back in Belgium and maybe Germany in November/December.
With much gratitude and metta,
Ayya Vimala
Herzliche Glückwünsche, liebe Ayya Vimala!
Mögen die Drei Juwelen dich auf deinem Weg begleiten und Du Liebe und Frieden des Buddhadhammas erreichen.
My warmest congratulations to our newest member of the Bhikkhuni Sangha on this auspicious day! Welcome to you, dear Bhikkhuni Vimala.
– Sudhamma Theri
Charlotte Buddhist Vihara, USA
Dear Venerable Sudhamma Theri,
Thank you very much for your wellwishes! The ordination went smoothly with 13 Bhikkhunis and 14 Bhikkhus. I am very grateful for the overwhelming support I have had and am very impressed with the American Sangha! I hope to post a few pictures on this website in the next few days.
Much respect and metta,
Ayya Vimala
Hello Vimala
Au^f dass es dir gut gehen möge und du vielen Menschen ein Vorbild bist.
Liebe Vimala,
alles, alles Gute für deinen weiteren Weg. Mögen viele Inspiration daraus ziehen.
Alles Liebe,