Samita ASBL

Planting trees and a hedge at Tilorien Monastery

Last weekend we were planting some trees and a hedge on the land of Tilorien Monastery.

Our local supporter had nicely prepared everything, so that when we gathered for this “busy bee” weekend the helpers knew exactly what they had to do. Two volunteers came from St. Vith and Leuwen, so we were four of us with Danny and Anagarika Sabbamitta.

On Saturday morning we went to the garden shop to pick up the plants, and there we were told that we had chosen the ideal day for the job: “A la Sainte Catherine, tout bois reprend racine” (On St. Catherine’s day all wood is developing new roots; St. Catherine’s day is on November 25, exactly when we started our work).

So nothing could go wrong!

Find here some pics:




Part of Danny’s preparation was also this wonderful soup for our lunch, and as the electric power is already connected we could warm it up on this rather cool day.







60 to 80 cm high beech plants for the hedge.







A small beginning…









7 new trees were also planted that day.







Already starts looking like a “real” hedge, doesn’t it?







“Ti-birches” for “Ti-Lorien” 😀







And in order to add some colour to the grey November days, a few Tibetan prayer flags…








We did it, yeah!!!


  1. didier

    Formidable ! La traduction française suit…

    1. Sabbamitta

      Un grand merci, Didier, pour la traduction française ! C’est tellement un précieux soutien 🙂

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