Dear friends,
Our monastery building is making great progress and we are already looking at equipment and furniture for our kitchen and bathroom. We don’t currently have the funds to finish these rooms and any contribution – big or small – would be greatly appreciated.
Here’s a list of what we will need (prices are approximate):
Bathroom furniture: 300 €
Shower cabin: 650 €
Kitchen cabinets and worktop: 3000 €
Stove: 200 €
Fridge-freezer: 350 €
Oven: 400 €

Kitchen manager checking out the ovens
Microwave: 350 €
Sink: 250 €
Fan: 300 €
Meditation hall

We don’t want this one … but the Star Wars theme was tempting!
Lights: 150 € Donated
You can find our banking details here:
ACCOUNT: Samita ASBL, Honvelez 16, 6671 Bovigny, Belgium
IBAN: BE16 5230 4699 6474
Or use PayPal:
If you would like to donate towards a specific item, please mention this in the subject line.
June 30, 2018:
We are very pleased to inform you that so far 3.000,- € have been donated for our kitchen and bathroom. That will at least enable us to have a shower and get our food warm—and probably to have some light to see what we are doing!
Thanks so much to everybody who has made a contribution, big or small. May you all grow in Dhamma (BIG of course, not small!)
August 2018:
Thank you all so much – enough has been donated to buy all these items. May your generosity contribute to your happiness for a long time!